Our Hiring Process

Stage 1


Thanks for your application! Your details are being reviewed by the hiring team and you should get an update within two weeks. Good Luck!
Stage 2

Video Interview

Congratulations you’ve made it through to the first stage! At this time, you’ll be asked to complete a video interview and we’ll ask you questions about your experience. This is prerecorded, so you can complete this anytime that works for you. Reach out if you’d prefer an alternative interview at this stage. 

Stage 3

In Store Interview

At this point you’ll meet the hiring team in store who’ll get to know you a little better and ask you some questions about your experience. This is your chance to visit the store and see our product! You also have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have about River Island, or this role, so don’t be shy!
Stage 4


This is when the hiring team will be ready to decide who to offer. Regardless of what stage you make it to, we value your time and effort in interviewing with us. If you like, we’d love to offer some feedback on your application, so please reach out if you would like to hear more.